Back Rent
• Encourage to intervene in the midline using the play / babygym etc.
• Hold your baby with your hands under your head, wrists under shoulders and elbow under the seat to raise the child in the midline.
• Stimulate the chin tuck (chin up) by using play, eye contact, etc.
• Roll the baby over to the quiet side and prone rather than lifting the child when to change clothes, etc.
Abdominal Rental
• Have your child as much as possible in the prone. Abdominal Rental stimulates symmetry. If the child quickly tired it is better with many sessions short and frequent breaks.
• To facilitate the work in prone, you can build up under the chest and down the sides with health carpet.
• A hand on the seat makes it easier for the child to stabilize and lift his head.
• Keep the outside of the child's elbows so that your child gets a stable forearm support and can lift his head.
• The child may lie across the lap, of a thigh or both thighs. Skråere the child is, the easier it becomes. Vary the substrate and where the child is at an angle.
• The child can also lie down on the lap or up the legs.
Side Rental
• Lift and place the child by your side. When the child active training of neck control.
• Page Rental stimulates the child from the center line. Leave the child lying down and breastfeeding or sleep in the supine position, under supervision. Vary your side.
Toys / play area
• Babygym / hanging play: The game will hang in height between the breast and belly button, just a few centimeters into the air. This stimulates the active bend of the neck and a better head / neck control.
• It is important that your child gets a spot on the floor with a play mat, yoga mat, etc. When the child has a firm surface to play on. This stimulates the stabilization work of the child to find the balance point in the back and leg position. Balance Point is the basis for the child continued to control the arms and legs and start to intervene in the midline.
Carrying Positions
NOTE: Variation! Make sure you carry the same amount on both sides for both you and your child's sake.
• In front of the belly: Hold your baby under the seat and in front of your chest with your back until your stomach. Lean baby forward slightly to stimulate neck control.
• From here you can turn the baby so it remains in the prone or lateral position and back again when the child needs a break. Remember to switch sides.
Be aware of lighting and lydstimuli and location of bed and changing table in terms of symmetry / favorite site.Deep, calm squat eases gas pain.
Rocker Recliner is a tool for parents, not the child. Limit time in the rocker chair.Walker prevents motor development and should not be used.